MANAGEMENT publishes original scientific papers, professional papers, short notes, preliminary communications, reports, reviews and cases in the field of management. An appendix to the Journal contains book reviews, short news items, a list of scientific meetings and information about master studies of management in Croatia. As a matter of routine, this journal checks all the submissions by using the iThenticate anti-plagiarism online service.
Original scientific papers contain the results of original research which have not been previously published. Papers are referred and, once accepted, may not be offered for publication elsewhere.
Professional papers contain the results of professional investigations. These papers are also referred and, once accepted, may not be offered for publication elsewhere.
Short notes contain the results of limited, but completed investigations.
Preliminary communications contain scientific and professional information which requires rapid publication.
Reviews contain a description of scientific and professional information in a shortened form.
Author reviews are original papers which give a concise critical report of a field of investigation which is currently of special interest.
Cases contain a description of an enterprise's situation in a shortened form.
- The journal MANAGEMENT will be published two times a year.
- Manuscripts should be written in English. Manuscripts should be typed on one side of the paper, in double spacing, with ample margins. The manuscript should be submitted to the Editorial Office of the Journal.
- Papers should not normally exceed 16 Journal pages.
- A title page should be supplied, bearing the title of the paper, the names and addresses of the authors, including the telephone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses, as well as the name and full postal address of the author to whom correspondence is to be directed. The author's names and addresses should not appear in the body of the manuscript, in order to preserve the anonymity during the review of the paper.
- Authors are requested to provide a short biography of no more than 50 words, for use in the editorial section.
- Each paper should begin with an abstract of not more than 200 words in English.
- The author suggests into which category the paper will be placed, but the final decision rests with the reviewer or Editor.
- Illustrations, photographs and tables should be provided on separate sheets. The original artwork should be supplied together with the photocopies. The figures and tables should be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. Captions must be provided on a separate sheet at the end of the text.
- Mathematical expressions and Greek, or other symbols, should be written clearly with ample spacing. Any unusual characters should be indicated on a separate sheet.
- A running head of not more than 30 characters should be supplied for papers with longer titles.
- Sections and subsections should be clearly distinguished with a two-level numbering at most.
- Papers must be written without the use of footnotes.
- References in the text are indicated by author's names and year of publication in parentheses. If a referenced paper has three or more authors, the reference should always cite the first author followed by et al. The references are listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript. Journal titles should not be abbreviated.
- Notes (biographical notes, references, footnotes) should be written at the end of the text in order in which they appear in the text. They should be numbered with Arabic numerals in straight brackets – [ ] – and should be referred to in the same fashion in the text.
- The literature should include significant works which the author consulted while writing his paper. These are listed together after the notes and quotations. The format is the same as for quotations, except that for a book the complete number of pages is cited, while for a paper from collections or journals the first and last page number are cited. The order of the literature should be alphabetical (by author).
- The editors reserve the right to make the editorial changes and alter the manuscript to suit the style of the Journal.
- Manuscripts are not returned.
- No payment is made for papers. The author receives two copies of the Journal free of charge.
- The manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail to the acting editor (, either in RTF or Word for Windows format.