



Information on midterms

10. April 2020. | Studij, Covid19 info, Covid-19, Announcements
Information on midterms

Dear students,

First of all, we hope that you are healthy and that you are working hard.

We are very proud of you for all the efforts and enthusiasm you have been putting into our joint efforts to make the distance learning efficient.  We would like to point out that your teachers and the Management also welcome all your suggestions and comments that can lead to improving the online teaching and learning process.

We would also like to inform you about the exams, in particular, the midterms planned in the upcoming weeks. Where possible, the midterms will be conducted on-line, on time, or with minor changes compared to the syllabus.

For those courses where this is currently not possible, the midterms will be postponed either for the end of the semester or for the exam period.

Your professors will explain the methods and contents of the midterms for each individual course on the respective course pages on the Moodle platform.

Dear students, take care of yourself and your loved ones, stay home and continue working hard as you have been doing so far!

We wish you and your families a healthy and joyful upcoming Easter holiday.

Your Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, Split.