Using the Moodle platform for online classes (a note for students and professors)

17. March 2020. | Covid19 info, Covid-19, Announcements

Starting Monday, March 16, 2020, until further notice, all classes have been moved online, via the Moodle platform. Despite the change in the teaching form, the same rules as in real classroom still apply (as defined in the Regulations about the study programmes and studying at the FEBT Split).  

In regards to the previously said, we would like to emphasize the following:

  • Students are required to actively participate in the class
    The student is obliged to log into the Moodle platform regularly, download the class materials and follow the teacher instructions as posted on the Moddle course page. 
    The system records every student activity and automatically generates reports.
    Any "inactivity" and failure to complete tasks has the same consequences as non-attendance (in the classroom).
  • Communication content on the Moodle platform
    Any content posted to Moodle by  a student can be done solely for the purpose of the class and study process.  Any other content (e.g., casual conversations, chat, etc.) should not be allowed.
    The teacher is obliged to warn the student about this (in case of such content publication). If the same behavior is repeated, the teacher may initiate the disciplinary process of the student.